Mrs. Sara Gutiérrez » Posts


Little Person Project

  1. Fold your paper en 8 boxes



  1. Cut the 2 bottom corner boxes


  1. Fold the 2 top corners inward to create a vest or coat


  1. Glue the 2 extra boxes behind the shoulders


  1. Cut a head and 2 hands from the skin color paper and glue them on to the body.


  1. Cut out a triangle to create legs.


  1. Add shoes and other creative details.

Winter Program Costume

Room 22 Families-
Students will be performing "Rock and Roll Snowman"  at our Winter Program this year.  Students are asked to create their costumes as posted (white t-shirt with 3 black "buttons", a top hat or Santa Claus hat, a scarf and sun glasses).  I can offer black felt, black construction paper or butcher paper.  Feel free to add any festive details you may have at home.
Thank you for your support!