Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
2015- 2016
Common Core- Preparing GV Students for College and Career Readiness
Common Core State Standards Initiative
Common Core State Standards LAUSD
Instructional Service Center-West LAUSD
LISC West Instructional Technology - Instructional Technology Specialist, Mathew Needlemen
Teaching Channel - Stacey Brewer Analyzing Texts: "Text Talk Time"
RubiStar - Create rubrics online
Common Core Units Maps for Writingh
LISC West Challenge Based Learning
GV CCSS Dragons
- Visit Edmodo
- Set up an account and explore tutorials.
- Copy and Paste Group Code in Search bar and Join: kvhrnm
- Click on Assignment tab and complete assignments
- Post any questions or reflections
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CCSS LAUSD Listening and Speaking Math
LAUSD Math Professional Development