Teacher Resources » Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources

2015- 2016
SBAC Digital Library

Teacher Resources

2015- 2016

Common Core- Preparing GV Students for College and Career Readiness


Common Core State Standards Initiative

Common Core State Standards LAUSD

Instructional Service Center-West LAUSD

LISC West Instructional Technology - Instructional Technology Specialist, Mathew Needlemen

Teaching Channel - Stacey Brewer Analyzing Texts: "Text Talk Time"

RubiStar - Create rubrics online

CCSS Writing Rubrics K-12

Common Core Units Maps for Writingh

LISC West Challenge Based Learning

GV CCSS Dragons

  1. Visit Edmodo
  2. Set up an account and explore tutorials.
  3. Copy and Paste Group Code in Search bar and Join: kvhrnm
  4. Click on Assignment tab and complete assignments
  5. Post any questions or reflections

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Common Core Instructional Math Support